Sunday 27 March 2011

They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.

Well, it's another listless Sunday and I am attempting to stick to the hopeful promises - those that were made days and days ago now - of putting together a little compilation tape, in an electronic format, on such a hazy day of the week as this pleasant one. As for the music, well, it's a whole lot of twee once more, I'm afraid, but I hope you won't complain too much. I mean, it really is the kind of stuff I do actually listen to. Like, all of the fucking time. Hard to believe, I know. It's worth pondering: how can one so old, grumpy and cynical endure music so refreshingly simple, fun and somewhat apolitical. It does not compute, this sweet addiction to a naive melody, limp handclaps and ultra-cute lyrics. What is wrong with me? Should I not be listening to Kings of Leon or something? So, anyway, a wee thumbs up if you like it, aye. For I have little else to say right now. I am far too busy being, in general terms, a bit hopeless as well as attempting to be forgetful. About pretty much everything in fact. Furthermore, it is worth stating for the record, I am being a bit clumsy too (just like her, him, them).
Bunnygrunt - 'Big fake out' (1.45)
Fireflies - 'The dunes' (3.07)
The Besties - 'Sweden song' (3.00)
When I was 12 - 'Kitten I'm smitten' (2.09)
The Sunny Street - 'Blackberries' (2.27)
And I say, finally, give all your $$$ or £££ to this delightful band. Yes, I was watching this one again. Thus, pictures of land, sea and sky. And meaningful text.


  1. You're not that old Colin.

  2. Hmmm. I guess I am just wondering (out loud) if a certain type of music has a sell-by date on it, when you hit a certain age. You trade twee indie-pop for 'serious' singer-songwriters or rock music or something. I mean, sure, age and music - it's all a social construction blah blah blah - but still... I am increasingly thinking I need to act my age. Be a bit more grown-up. I might need to buy a Foo Fighters or Fleet Foxes CD or something.

  3. I gave my boss a CD the other day and told him to listen to it. He's only in his mid-forties. He told me he was too old to listen to new music, that he didn't feel it was appropriate. A little part of me died - I hope I never reach a day when I think I'm too old for something new... Although I accept that there will be a day (far away hopefully) when a new mini skirt becomes inappropriate!

  4. Ha! Well, clothes, yes. I can accept that. There needs to be progression and change to align with advancing years, as well as different social and work events etc. I mean, I could never get away with a mini-skirt - these days - at the Board of Study. As for the offer of a CD, that's his loss I am sure. Was it a compilation? Or was it the Olly Murs one and that's why he refused? :) PS, Don't die, even a little bit - the supermarket checkout staff will miss you! ;)

  5. It was My Latest Novel, Deaths & Entrances, and was directly linked to a conversation I'd had with him. He will listen to it, and he will like it, he just likes to wind me up!

    You could gradually introduce the mini skirt to the Board of Study. Slowly graduate to cropped trousers, then shorts, then a kilt, then a mini skirt... Before you know it, you'll be in a pair of Daisy Dukes and no one will blink an eyelid...

  6. As a great man once said "fuck acting your age, I just want to have fun"

    Singer songwriters are alright sometimes but at other times I want to hear some dubstep or loud thrashy guitars played by kids who weren't even born when Psychocandy was released.
    I came close to stopping going to gigs by new bands last December when me and my mate Stiff (am I too old to still call a mate by a nickname he got over 30 years ago?)went to the QM and saw We Were Promised Jetpacks, we both felt old and rather envious of those around us.

  7. LOVE love love that album ('I Declare a Ceasefire'. Weep.) but last time I saw MLN play they were a bit dodgy I'm afraid to say (though the new material sounded great and I admit other folks attending were not as picky as me). As for the fashion advice, you know, I teach a block of classes on social identity to the first year crowd and I have often thought about wearing a dress for the opening lecture. Just to make a point. Or something. Next year it might have to be done. A Daisy Duke wig might be an idea as well.


    A variety of sounds in your ears is, indeed, the spice of life. But the day you (and Stiff) stop going to gigs is the day Jude Law finally goes steady with someone other than his own reflection. Don't talk like that man! Speaking of, are you two going to see The Dears in April at King Tuts? We should drag JC along I reckon. The new album is brilliant btw, 'Degeneration St'.

  8. Not got a ticket for the Dears but going to the QM next week for Airborne Toxic Event. What about you?

    I also love I Declare A Ceasefire, the last time I saw them was in Stereo not my favourite venue and a large minority of the crowd talked all the way through.

  9. that them should be My Latest Novel, obviously.

  10. Nope, not got a ticket for ATE - didn't even know they were back in Glasgow (that show they did at King Tuts in Jan 09 was EPIC). Yes, the MLN gig in Dec 10 - also at King Tuts - was ruined by pissed-up folks talking throughout (about who got what for Christmas mainly). Finding out about the departure/absence of Laura McFarlane was also a bit of a shock that night.

  11. I was at that gig too, and from looking at where you took your photos, standing right next to you apparently. How weird.

    I thought they were ace that night, but I guess that's just the nature of gigs... Everyone takes away something different. They're my second favourite band ever, so perhaps I just really want to love them live too...

    The wig is a great idea.

  12. Spooky! Right beside the mixing desk? I think my expectations were far too high, and when I realised Laura wasn't playing I was disappointed. Not to mention the talking ejets who ruined the quieter moments. Second favourite? Who is top of the pops then?

  13. I have a joint first of Wilco and The National. But I hope someday to hear something better and be forced to do a reshuffle of my list... Do you have a list?

  14. Lists are my life! But I will be brief. :) I can always depend on The Field Mice (on repeat). And The Go-Betweens. All the bands that were on the Sarah label are really important to me actually (such as The Sugargliders, The Wake and Blueboy). Am also quite smitten with the likes of Mark Kozelek, Slowdive, The Blue Nile etc. :) The National and I have a rather troubled relationship, to say the least. But I can at least listen to them again now, thanks to the determined efforts of a good friend. They are a great band. And I really like that Wilco album, 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot' (but I expect everyone says that). Thanks for asking!
