Saturday 2 February 2013

We're caught up in denying it all

An adolescent gull calls out playfully and performs seemingly impossible moves even a limber gymnast would baulk at. A light breeze from the East forces you to flutter-shut your tired twilight eyes. Once awoken, in a glimmer, you can't help but notice the way they just slip into each other's curved bodies; she gazes up at him with pounding hearts in her eyes whilst he just stares out, arms entwined, appreciating the serene beauty all around. It just seems so natural, so easy, relaxed. Is it really just like this, how it is meant to be? Contentment and happiness abounds as winds pick up and the Captain calls from below for more çay. Thinking out across this stirred, sweet water, willing the sound of summer to approach in gradual yards and inches. They may be homeward bound by now, but a significant part of this happy couple is forever attached to the constant rippling and movement of this historic oceanic floor. It seems as if a whole shifting world beneath wishes for a future that may hold them good. If the outcome might be wished upon stars, and worked for in a hard-earned August sweat. It's the effort that may be their undoing, and the familiarity of self, other and I.
The Mary Onettes - 'Evil Coast' (5.35)
Band / Label / Images / The new album, 'Hit The Waves', is out on March 12th. :)