Saturday 14 May 2011

Wave goodbye to our thankless jobs

Oh well then. We now know where many of us stand, in a non-technological fashion. And, I guess the fight to save disciplines, courses and jobs is very much on, in an immediate and directly-affected kind of way. The 'consultation' period on proposals to shut down four programmes (Geography, Music, Community Education and Sociology) at our 'place of useful learning' runs until June 10th. So, I'm afraid, I'll be more than a bit caught up in all of this 'Save Our Subjects' activity, from both a UCU and staff perspective. And, you know, despite the alluring title, my job isn't thankless at all; I actually love it more than I can ever hope to say and would much prefer not to be made redundant (just like everyone else out there staring this awful prospect in the face). Yes, the temptation to 'get out of this country' is great though, I confess, but I obviously won't, and I can't. The fight is on, as mentioned. Anyway, rather than bore you to a state of permanent sleep with my usual nasal whining and self-pitying anger, I rather suspect I will just limit my postings here, keeping them few and far between over the next couple of weeks. I will be pretty busy anyway, trying to stop this intellectual vandalism, and if I did get polemical on this page I'd just end up ranting or crying - and posting lots of tracks by this band, or perhaps this one. The favourites tend to be comforting in this hour of need, don't you think? In closing, I'll just offer my sincere apologies to the 17.4 readers who make a point-and-click pilgrimage to this, er, shrine (?) on a day-to-day basis and tell youse that I'm personally obsessing about everything Tracyanne right now as she just has a way of nailing that particular feeling (to a second-hand graduation gown) and shaking a really big pointy fucking stick at it.
Camera Obscura - 'Let's get out of this country' (session version) (2.46)
The Cryin' Shames - 'Please stay' (3.01)
Aye, to smile and blush in the presence of Tracyanne. The Cryin' Shames song is one of Carey's favourites, by the way.


  1. You certainly don't have to apologise for being preoccupied; Strathclyde's decision epitomises everything that's rotten within academia (and the spin the PR droids farted out was sickening – heaven only knows how they sleep at night). Here's to a successful fight back, Comrade.

  2. Please know that you certainly do not bore. Good luck and fight the good fight. Oh, and thanks for 'Please Stay'. Loved that.

  3. Not boring at all. The battle against universities is similar to the fight to reduce the rights of public workers over here. Good luck.

    Traceyanne's a sweetheart.

  4. Thanks for your kind thoughts and words folks, they are much appreciated. I'll post updates as and when I can but try to focus on the music. This is supposed to be a music blog, after all... ;)

  5. Good luck, you. And yes, 'I think what the hell is wrong with them.' Very fitting. x

  6. Thanks, love. And that's one of Fil's favourite Field Mice songs, like, evah. TRUTH! Is he still trapped in a toilet I wonder?

  7. Blogo ergo sum as descartes would say as one of the 17.4 i hope you are not too infrequent in your postings after all this is more than just a music blog good luck with the fight and keep your chin up

    son of the rock

  8. I'll keep good thoughts, Colin. Go get 'em.

  9. Thanks SOTR, Greer. I will offer what I can - in the time that I have - but it is looking to be a busy May and June. Bear with me, please.
