Tuesday 10 May 2011

A gilded eternity

Life is all about the sweet and the sour, isn't it just? Well, some really good news: I'm going to be stewarding at Indietracks this year (thanks Dan!). And this wonderful news comes on the back of another lovely thing that made me weep, in a good way - I have been nominated for a Teaching Excellence award. The students themselves vote for this, via the Union, so that makes it particularly amazing, as well as rather staggering. However, the bad news, sigh, more than a few of us at work will find out (in a few hours time) if we still have something resembling meaningful employment or not. It is looking less than hopeful, I'm afraid to say, as many posts at my place of work will be subject to what they now call "early release". I tell you, neo-liberalism, and this ConDem coaltion, can just go eat a large bowl of dicks. It's difficult to sleep. I am feeling vulnerable, for the first time in, oh, about 48 hours or so. It's difficult to know quite what to do next. Except, perhaps, to make like Yosser... gizza job? I can do that? Now might just be the time to start that record label or, much more likely, write that novel... or, in fact, to play this song and try to get a hold on what's going to, the fuck, happen next...
Loop - 'Burning World' (demo version) (5.01)
Whether employed or redundant, this is one of the best albums you could possibly own, seriously.


  1. Oof! What a terribly confusing situation! My sister has had multiple troubles with academia [she works for a university journal and recently terminated her PhD]. I don't know your university or your particular area of study but I sincerely hope all works out in your favor!

    Loop is quite amazing, I've never heard them before and am very much impressed. Any idea where I can hear more, beyond the lovely track you posted?

  2. Ah, thanks Genevieve. Doubtless there will be more to come on this pressing matter. I hope things work out for your sister as well, these are strange times. I'm a social scientist - thus my concern regarding what else I could actually do other than teach, read, write and ponder. Sigh.

    As for Loop, who are no more, I am guessing a trawl of mediafire for all thinks rar or zip might work wonders (not that I would ever condone such activities, obviously), or check Amazon and Ebay for their CDs? They made three 'proper' studio albums (Heaven's End, Fade Out, A Gilded Eternity). Oh, you might also like The Hair and Skin Trading Company - one of the bands that emerged from the ashes of Loop.... And, thanks for stopping by at this difficult hour.

  3. I hope you get good news about your job. It's seriously lame at the minute, eh? Got my fingers crossed for you today.

    But congratulations on your teaching award, and you'll have to keep an eye out for me at Indietracks! I'll the be one going up to drummers and asking them if they're a fictional character from a tv show that was cancelled 10 years ago...

  4. Thanks Niki but good news is looking much less likely, as twitter-esque gossip and rumour feeds through in advance of the meeting... the student union has been briefed for the 'changes', as have journalists apparently. Sigh. read all about it in The Herald tomorrow I think. Rather ironic to be in this situation at the same time as getting a teaching award nomination!

    Indietracks, for sure.


  5. Congrats on the teaching award! Not surprising, really, the students are always raving about how brilliant you are :-) Cold comfort if we all get sacked today, but let it be known that it's not your fault (or anyone else's, on the level of merely mortal teaching/research staff) if the department's doomed - we all tried our best. Wider social processes, political paradigms, etc.... Still, makes me pretty damn angry. Useful learning. Aye, right.

  6. Oh dear... it all starts now then, I guess... roll tape. :(

  7. Congratulation on your nomination! The world really is small, as reading about what is going on in your part of the world mirrors what's happening here half a world away atm. Guess I'm stating the obvious.

    Great Loop track there. Have never heard of them. I was lucky enough to find their Reactor releases on emu, but not the one you point out…(Don't get me started on all the great labels since removed from emu.)

