Wednesday 26 October 2011

'May the lines sag heavy and deep tonight'

Today I am old. I mean Old, Old. Really quite old indeed, actually. I guess half my life and a bit is now over. What a cheery thought that is. Hurrah! But I will dance the day away, anyway, playing this on repeat, repeat, repeat. It is really good! It is not my usual kind of listening, I admit - not enough limp handclaps, twee screeching or jingly-jangly guitars - but there you go. You like what you like; the groove, the beat, the swing. It makes me want to move. In that way. And, when you turn a certain age, it is an idea to try new things. Make yourself comfortable with discomfort, unease and the unfamiliar, I suppose. 'Make love in a hammock!' as Professor Taub once put it in class, as the other JC took notes. Or something like that. Anyway, enough... enough now; I will just get my indie-funk on, people. So hit the floor! Tequila at the ready. We are ready for take-off. Whooooosh! :)
Twin Sister - 'All around and away we go' (4.22)
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  1. From experiance it only smarts for the next couple of years and every time you look around a concert hall and see young people. I tend to find alcohol and sweet soul music help me keep it in perspective.

    Happy birthday and welcome to the miserable old gits club


  2. Thanks! Perspective is everything, absolutely Drew. And I will try my best to avoid being too miserable! The red wine I adore too much and the indieschmindie music that keeps my heart beating will ease the 'pain', so to speak, of creeping old age (I mean, being nearly dead).

  3. "And I will try my best to avoid being too miserable!"

    Too late comrade. Too late.

    Happy Birthday. And you're not old. Certainly not in comparison to me or another of our fraternity who I met the other day....and who compared you to James Joyce!!!

    Looking forward to the dancing on Saturday

  4. Haha.

    But, I have never been as drunk as Joyce. Fact.

    Little League dancing it is! :)

  5. Happy birthday. Take heart from the fact that young people today look absolutely ridiculous. And we certainly never did.

  6. Happy happy day you - I absolutely adore Scorps!!! Hope tonight and the rest of the week are fantabulous. <3 <3 <3

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Colin and welcome, I'm assuming, to the 40s club? Pah. My old man's 88 today. That's old x

  8. Oh, I don't know about that Swiss Adam. I do envy their energy, lack of cynicism and those funny baggy jeans they wear around their skinny arses to cover the multi-coloured Nikes they stole from JJB. Punk, Goth or Crustie, it ain't. ;)


    Thanks Gen! It has been an awesome time of it, I must say. Off to listen to Jeff Lewis speak tonight about his art! :)


    Indeed, Davy. Thank-you. Proper 40's. In a +1 kind of way. Sigh. I'm learning to 'deal with it'. Roll on 42, really. It is just another day, month, year... etc. 88 is a fine age indeed though. It sounds proper... proper 80's. And I don't mean that in a Canary Wharf, Face magazine, Wham! and lots of cocaine kind of way. Many congratulations to the man who made you. An achievement indeed. Just ask those roast potatoes on a Sunday... :)

  9. Happy birthday - with age comes.. more. Just more. We read your writing and feel we're just typing, you know.

  10. Far too kind, Adam. But thank-you. It is just nice to know someone, somewhere is reading.

    I will raise a glass or three to 'more' at the weekend, for sure. Long may it smile where your sun openly shines. x

  11. Gosh... Do people get THAT old? I'm stunned.


    Not kidding.

    Nah, kidding.

    Happy birthday Colin! x

  12. Oh, I know, I know.... it's just so unlikely and improbable Niki, isn't it? But, then, it is NOT! It just creeps and skulks INTO you. It comes around the corner and jumps UP on you, like an abandoned puppy in a Southside park needing to be taken home AND loved. <3 And, before you know it, you sound like your Dad lashing out about how the 'young things' show no 'respect' these days. And you pity the children. All of them. Especially those who dare put their silly flashy trainers up on the depressed seats of the train you ride into town every single morning. And DO NOT get me started on the chewing of the gum, the drinking of the Irn Bru and the texting of the phones in lectures. HUMPH.

  13. Bugger. I was visiting friends in Wiltshire and Somerset this week and lost track of time. Hope you had a lovely, lovely birthday.

    I left Korea in July, had a beach holiday then did a teaching course in Thailand, and now I'm back in London between jobs, doing some writing and freelancing. So hope to chat v. soon.

    I'll be 46 next month. So shut yer pie hole with this Old bollocks. 50 is the new 12! or something.

  14. Happy Birthday!

    I become really old on Wednesday and I think I will have this song on really loud. Tequila most definitely as my mother in law arrives for a (LONG) week's visit.

  15. Gob shut, Rach. ;) How does London seem after all your Asian / Eastern travels? I'll send you an e-mail and we can catch up Old Skool style (that is, using a telephone for something other than texting or playing crappy 80s-style gamez on).


    Thanks Tricia - and it sounds like you might need a double!! :)

  16. Happy Belated Birthday good friend. Cheers to many, many more! :-) xx

  17. dearest colin, i have been thinking of you lately (any time i hear trembling blue stars, for instance) and i knew you had a birthday in the late fall but i thought it was in early december. i suppose in my old age i forgot! yes, you are old but i am older still . . . but that's okay. someone has to lead the way down (out?). i am happy to do it for you. :) xx
