Monday, 4 July 2011

Tell me you feel this fire

Oh Glasgow, I do love you. Yes, I fucking do. Especially when the sun shines brightly, the graffiti gives good LOLZ (praise be to the 12 year old boyz with marker pens about town!) and, amongst all the high horse shite that is being hurriedly pushed through your disciplinary letter box of late, the new 'Young Team' (so tae speak) are finally sent out to find their inspiring 'selves' with their loved ones, both big and small, looking on. I do <3 Graduation Day and I can't help myself, in a traditionalist kinda way. But, you know, it's just nice to see a lot of people coming together, all scrubbed up clean and dressed to the High 9's, to be happy, right? Big smiles and white teeth. Cameras at the ready. And yes, ok, even if it is just for a morning or so and the all-familiar drudge-drudge-drudge of the wordly ways returns in the form of a hangover the very next day. But just believe, for a day or two at least, that the future is a lot brighter than you think and it pays to keep some fingers and toes crossed (but not the ones you stole from Sukie at the graveyard, please no, no, no...).
Stereolab - 'Les Yper Sound' (live) (4.13)
Not writing, just thinking.


  1. Daisy Click Clack.. good for sunshine days and strutting through town with not a care in one's pretty little head.

  2. Do away with scepticism! :) I remember once seeing Stereolab play in an old Church hall in Edinburgh, many years ago now, and I honestly went into a trance, without the aid of chemical enhancement. The groove, drone, wail, flutter just seeped into my head. I belonged to them, completely.

  3. They are loverly... there can be no cynicism while listening to them. A bridge and then a fall into a silky powdery sweet embrace.
